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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tea Party Folks, Beware of the LaRouche Cultists

It’s too late to warn people about Lyndon LaRouche cultists for today’s events , but they come to Tea Party events often and they can be used, whether it’s their intention or not to make the Tea Party movement look goofy.

Most people under 50 won’t know much about them. To be honest, I nearly forgot about them until I saw them at several Tea Party and local town hall events. They attended several of Congressman Sam Farr(left)’s town hall meetings holding copies of their magazine with b. hussein obama wearing a Hitler moustache. Also, at least at one of the town hall events held in Salinas, one of their members was coaching other LaRouchites when they came to the microphone to question Farr.

Obviously, B.O. is more of a Communist. However, LaRouche admires Communists and Socialists. He was at one time a member of the Trotskyite Communist Socialist Worker’s Party and a one time leader of a faction of the Students for a Democratic Society.

Years ago I read a copy of LaRouche’s publication, The New Federalist (5 Oct 98) where he called for an alliance between the United States and RED CHINA (!) in order to form a new world economic system. He also praised Red China’s economic policy. LaRouche is also a fan of FDR’s policies.
A supporter of Red China and FDR is a very bizarre, counter productive and very possibly embarrassing partner to have in the fight against an overreaching federal government.
Several good articles about Lyndon LaRouche can be found here:

I obtained other Information about LaRouche from reading his New federalist publication



Thursday, April 08, 2010

Tea Party Groups: Beware of Infiltrators

This is not news to many in the Tea Party movement, but several left-wing organizations plan to infiltrate and disrupt the tax day Tea Party protests. The Left’s usual tactic when trashing Conservatives is to accuse them of “racism”. This has been especially true since the first African-American (who is probably much more African than he is American) had been elected president. Also as everyone knows by now he is also the most leftist. In actuality, he’s a Communist, but so far he can only get away with being a socialist. Not that there is much difference between the two.

In B. Hussein Obama, the left has the perfect instrument to drag This Country down into being another Cuba or Venezuela. They will accuse anyone who opposes his leftist agenda of being “racist”. Never mind that any white president proposing the same policies would also be opposed.

When Comrade Clinton and wife tried to implement the government takeover of health “care” he was also opposed.

So, what do liberals do when they don’t have any real evidence of racism to blame on Conservatives? They try to instigate racist responses as they did when members of the Black Caucus paraded past Tea Party protesters when they were about to cast their votes for Obamacare.

One problem with the Left is that they are so deluded that they often start to believe their own propaganda.

The Congressional Reds actually believed the protesters would start screaming the “n” word at the Black Caucus members.

When, in spite of the numerous video cameras, some even held by Black Caucus members not one racial slur was recorded, they still lied and claimed racial epithets were hurled at them. One congressman even claimed initially, that one of the protesters spit on him. Of course the “spitting” wasn’t recorded on video either and the congressman backed down on his claim after being caught in his lie.

Enter the Tea Party crashers.

One left-wing website, after claiming Tea Party members are, you guessed it, “racists”, “homophobes”, “morons” etc., incites left-wing activists to show up at Tea Party protests with miss-spelled signs and make wild statements to the press. Their plan is to make the Tea Party members look like the false stereotype they themselves made up.

It was V.I Lenin who suggested such tactics in his writings, stating that party activists should try to associate their opposition with people who are already disliked by most in the general public.

The Trash the Tea Party site states their activists have already infiltrated Tea Party groups and plan to use their inside information to disrupt the protests.

On a side note, I’ve noticed liberals also like to enter Conservative discussion groups and introduce their left-wing agenda as true “Conservative” goals and claim anyone who thinks different is actually a “Neocon” (who in actuality tend to be liberal) or an “extremist”.

Make you glad these “people” respect free speech and the democratic process.

The Tea Party crashing events are planned nationwide and there is a possibility they will also try to crash the local Tea Party events.

I’m just saying beware and especially watch out for newcomers to the events.

