Thursday, June 15, 2006

Pastors for Castro

Yesterday I attended a showing of a pro-Cuba propaganda film put out by the Pastors for Peace. The presentation was sponsored by the Monterey area Peace and Justice Center and Women’s International League for Peace and freedom.

First, a note about groups with the word “peace” in their title, at the very least such groups (with the possible exception of the Peace Corps) will have a socialist bent to their ideology and most of them will be flat-out communist. Such groups will always be opposed to the best interests of the United States and will most always embrace our enemies.

This presentation was promoting the 17th “Friendship Caravan” to Cuba. Travel to Cuba is illegal and this group travels there to send humanitarian aid in an act of civil disobedience. (and treason)

First off, I’ve always wondered why we have an embargo against Cuba and at the same time, embrace Red China and the Soviet Union. It was the U. S. State Department, with the help of media Reds like Herbert Matthews of the New York Times, who helped to put Castro in power. If it weren’t for the Communists in this Country opposing the embargo, I wouldn’t care much about an embargo against Cuba.

One of the people in the film said the U.S. embargo took more of an effect on Cuba after the Soviet Union “fell”. Considering we were trading with the Soviets during the height of the Cold War, in effect, we were also supplying Cuba.

One of the narrators blamed the continuing embargo on the Miami’s Cuban exile community, claiming they were the rich who were most hurt by Castro’s rise to power. The narrator mentioned there are no millionaires in Cuba and they “were not allowed”. I hope to never live in a country where millionaires are “not allowed”.

“Nancy” the person who led the discussion following the film said lately, there’s a problem with pilfering in Cuba and of people not putting out all they can when they work. (this is often a problem with government workers and government programs) She said there’s ongoing discussion in Cuba about how to return to basic socialist “values”, that of “each according to their ability to each according to their needs”. (in other words, how to convince people to put out for people who won’t produce for themselves)

Nancy said many people who want to join the Pastors for Peace asked if they had to be a pastor. She said one doesn’t have to be a pastor or even religious, adding many members of the group were agnostics or atheists. (Big surprise there, most Communists are agnostic or atheist) She mentioned many of the religious people involved were Unitarians. (in other words, agnostics or atheists)

My favorite part about presentations is the question, answer and comment time. One of the first people to comment was a person with an Australian (or New Zealand) accent who spoke of the poverty in Cuba and how women giving birth had to have a friend stand near their bed so that their property wasn’t stolen. He also mentioned the lack of worth ethics due to the communist system.
As expected, Nancy claimed the poverty was due to the embargo.

Another person spoke of the lack of freedom in Cuba and how people aren’t allowed to leave Cuba and have to sneak out in homemade rafts and boats. Emboldened by the two anti-communist speakers, I asked if anyone was allowed to run against Castro. Nancy told me the politics in Cuba were much different than our, (God willing, our political system will always be different from Cuba’s) she said the voters in Castro’s district could nominate someone other than Castro to run, but they wouldn’t have much of a chance.

Of course, most of the people commenting were the usual Reds. In responding to comments about the oppressive government in Cuba, a person claimed the U.S. has an oppressive government. (not so oppressive, however that is punishes people who speak against the U.S. government, its president and even allows reds to travel to an enemy country and yet allow them back into the Country)

One person said many of the people flee to the U.S. to obtain things they “don’t need”, i.e. computers, I pods, DVD players, etc. Hopefully, this Country will never get to the point when socialists can decide what I “need” or “don’t need”.

I briefly spoke with the second anti-communist I mentioned earlier. He said he was opposed to the embargo because it gave Cuba an excuse for failing. He added it should be allowed to collapse like the Soviet Union without an embargo to blame it on.

Later that night, I had the Spanish channel on at home. They showed a demonstration against Castro. (I assume in the U.S. some of the signs were in English and Castro doesn’t allow opposition in Cuba) One of the signs said Cuba is one of the countries with the highest numbers of imprisoned journalists.

Frankly, I think when these people break the embargo and travel to Cuba, they shouldn’t be allowed back into this Country.

Maybe Castro will take them in. Then they would get the opportunity to see how the Cuban really live on a day to day basis.



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