Monday, November 04, 2013

Blacks, Coloreds and Negroes (and Negresses) Oh my!

Blacks,Coloreds and Negroes (and Negresses) Oh My.

Some people may think I'm a bit slow, so can someone tell me why saying people of color is perfectly fine but saying colored people is "racist"? If you want some real entertainment (I wouldn't advise this if you're not a colored,...pardon me, person of color) try using the word "negress" when referring to a colored female.

I admit, the term "colored" is a bit outdated, but racist? Definitely not! Years ago when I was probably 10-12 years old, I was watching the series Adam 12 with my mother. In this episode, a man had been held up and the officers asked him to describe the robber. When the man answered "He was colored." they asked him what color was he. I asked my mother what did that mean and she told me some people were offended by the term "colored".

She didn't think the term colored was any big deal and went on to explain that most American blacks are "colored" because the vast majority of us have other races mixed in (on my mother's side, we have Indian (Feather head, not dot head) French and Irish blood mixed in). She said that the only true "blacks" were African blacks.

From then on, I had no problem with being called colored. Back then I wasn't too crazy about the term Negro, it sounded too much like the other N word, especially when pronounced the way LBJ used to say it (Negrahs).

Indeed, the most racialist black (or colored or Negro) organization in the Country, the NAACP still hasn't changed its name to the NAAAAP (National Association for the Advancement of African-American People), so apparently they have no problem with the use of of the term colored either. That is unless it's a White Republican saying it.

Then we have the term "Negress". I first heard the term on Star Trek when Abraham Lincoln (For you people educated in public schools and the Northeastern University of Illinois, he was the Republican president who ended slavery) was beamed aboard The Enterprise. When he saw Lt Uhura he exclaimed "a charming negress" (and Lt Uhura was definitely that). Kirk and Uhura took a double take at old Abe and he apologized. I've heard the term negress a few times (and granted, only a few) since then and it wasn't taken as an insult.

What's the big deal? There's the term Latino for a male and Latina for a female, Filipino for a male and Filipina for a woman, so why not Negro for a colored male and Negress for a colored female?

There are just some people who take it as their mission in life to find any silly reason to be offended.

Negrah please!


Arrow Vs Guns

Arrow Vs Guns

Strike One for the series Arrow (Generally, after three strikes, i stop watching a series). This latest episode shoveled out a heavy dose of anti-gun propaganda.

A new gang leader in The Glades of Star City has armed his gang with stolen U.S. Military M-4 assault rifles (Yes, I mean assault rifles in the technical definition and not the semi-auto weapons the anti-gun pukes are trying to ban).

To combat the increase of gun violence, Oliver Queen/Arrow funds a gun "buy-back" program. The term "buy-back" is a misnomer. You can't "buy-back" a gun you never owned in the first place.

As a tool for fighting gun violence, gun "buy back" programs are less than useless. Queen/Arrow seems to be fairly intelligent and appears to have some knowledge of the criminal mind. Does he really think that The Mayor or any other thug is going to turn in his gun, especially an M-4 assault rifle for cash. Why would a hoodlum turn in their gun for a one time cash payment when they can use them multiple times to steal cash?

The gang leader, who calls himself The Mayor gives a speech to his crew that could have been written by Sarah Brady, in which he says he was a weak man until he got his assault rifles.

Aside from this one episode, and the fact that the Oliver Queen/(Green) Arrow character has been re-written to the point to where he's barely recognizable from the original DC Comics Green Arrow (more on that later), it is a good and entertaining series.