Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The Abomination Continues

Once again, a degenerate from San Francisco is attempting to legalize queer “marriages”. The bill is being sponsored by state assemblyman Mark Leno, a demoncrat. (Of course) The bill was approved in a California, Senate committee, the majority of demoncrats voting for the bill and the majority of Republicans voting against.

The bill has also been endorsed by the United Farm Workers. I’m puzzled as to why a farmer’s union would go out of their way to support queer “marriage”, but the supporters of sodomy hope the endorsement will influence Latinos to support queer “marriage”. The acceptance of sodomites is a hard sell with the majority of Latinos and if you can get them away from their politically-correct, (and morally-degenerate) race-baiting, quota-black leaders, a hard sell for blacks too.

The city of Los Angeles voted to support queer “marriages” last Tuesday. (12 July) The march toward Sodom, Gomorrah and hell continues.

As reported by today’s (13 July) Monterey County Herald, Randy Thomasson, president of Campaign for California families said, ‘Californians are learning (as if they didn’t know already.) that the Democratic Party has become the party of homosexual ‘marriage’”

As I mentioned in my previous post about queer “marriage”, California voted overwhelmingly in opposition to the “marrying” of sodomites. The vote took place on 7 March 2000 and the vote was, as noted by, 61.4% in favor of normal, traditional marriage and 38.6% in favor of the unnatural, degenerate alternate.

The only good that can possibly come from this is that the news footage of “marrying” queers lip-locking with each other will be broadcast from one end of the Country to the other and inflame (no pun intended) the public to vote another Republican victory in the next national election.

As for California, I can almost hear the heavenly F-18s preparing for a Holy napalm strike.



Photo-Shy "Peace" activists

Several days ago, one of the “peace” protestors I photographed at Monterey’s Window by the Bay Park approached me at a local Border’s and threatened me with legal action if I didn’t remove their photos from my photo site.


The woman, named “Hannah” I believe, said her group didn’t appreciate my attitude about them. Too bad, the truth hurts.. If you protest in a public place, you can be photographed.

Coincidently, her picture wasn’t even posted at the time. People visiting the site can get the idea of the type of people these “peace” protests are by the pictures already there. Subsequently, after she threatened me, I posted her picture too. She’s the pudgy one holding “End the occupation of Palestine” sign.

The story is developing…



Tuesday, July 12, 2005

National Guard Anti-Terrorist Intelligence Unit

It’s been recently reported that the California National Guard is forming an anti-terrorism intelligence unit. It’s about time. Much to my disappointment, it won’t be anything like La Femme Nikita’s Section One. Instead, the unit will merely analyze and distribute information on terrorist threats.

Guard officials insist that the unit won’t monitor American citizens. Why not?! If this Guard unit won’t, and I assume it’s because of the Posse Comitatus Act, some official unit should be.

Not surprisingly, American “peace” activists are highly upset about the unit’s forming. I personally think left-wing “peace” activists shouldn’t be ruled out. They have been known to engage in sabotage against military targets. In fact, one of the local Monterey area activist, MacGregor Eddy in the days leading up to the second Iraq war called for “peace” activists to attempt to disrupt operations at the Vandenberg Air Force base if the U.S invaded Iraq. Investigative agencies shouldn’t rule out monitoring such people if they are openly discussing illegal action damaging to National security.

What shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone is that the far-left organization, the ACLU (Which should stand for American Communist Liberals Union) is opposed to the unit. The ACLU has never seen a government anti-subversive unit that they approve of. Considering the Communist connections of the ACLU’s founders, this is to be expected. As mentioned in The New American magazine;

These ACLU connections to the silk-hat revolutionaries in the CFR have never been well known, but the organization’s notorious record with regard to Communist, subversive, and terrorist groups was once fairly common knowledge. Much of this has been all but forgotten, thanks to the media cartel’s Orwellian memory hole. From its beginnings to the present, the ACLU has been not a champion of, but a dangerous enemy to, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

In 1931, a congressional report of the Special House Committee to Investigate Communist Activities stated:

The American Civil Liberties Union is closely affiliated with the communist movement in the United States, and fully 90 percent of its efforts are on behalf of communists who have come into conflict with the law. It claims to stand for free speech, free press, and free assembly; but it is quite apparent that the main function of the ACLU is to attempt to protect the communists in their advocacy of force and violence to overthrow the government, replacing the American flag by a red flag and erecting a Soviet government in place of the republican form of government guaranteed to each state by the federal Constitution.

The House committee members had good reason to arrive at that conclusion. The ACLU’s membership, leadership, and projects soon gave rise to claims by critics that the organization’s acronym really stood for Atheists, Communists, and Libertines United, or Anti-Christian Lawyers Union. The ACLU was launched at a party given for Roger Baldwin upon his release from prison for draft evasion in 1919. The main attendees at the soiree were Norman Thomas, who would become the patriarch of the Socialist Party; Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, who would become the Communist Party’s national chairman; and Agnes Smedley, who would become a Soviet espionage agent in China. Top Communist Party officials who became national committee members or members of its board of directors included Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, William Z. Foster, Louis Budenz, Corliss Lamont, and Scott Nearing, as well as hundreds of Communist fellow travelers.

Roger Baldwin directed the ACLU for 30 years. Earlier, he described his own philosophy this way in his college yearbook: "I am for Socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the State itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal." He gave no evidence of ever having swerved from that goal.

If the Guard unit won’t keep tabs on these groups, some other official agency should.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


It was reported today in the Monterey County Herald and I assume other news sources that the Church of Christ’s rule-making body has voted overwhelmingly to support queer “marriage”. The Church of Christ is one of the larger “Christian” denominations to support the marrying of homos. I assume they will endorse the marriage of people to farm animals next.

Now they aren’t the first “Christian” denomination to do so (Unitarian-Universalists are so far out as to not be even remotely considered Christian), but they’re the latest in a line of sodomy-friendly “churches”. I won’t mention them here. I know some queers occasionally visit this site and I don’t want to assist them in hooking up with a pro-queer church.

One wonders if these “Christian” churches have ever read the Bible. Remember, sodomy was called an abomination. Many among the queers and their enablers mention that Jesus never mentioned queers during his ministry. I doubt there were enough queers in old Jerusalem for him to repeat the obvious. Once God calls something an “abomination” there’s no a whole lot more you need to add in condemnation of it.

How is this possible? The majority of people recognize that homosexuality is deviant and unnatural. California several years ago voted on whether to allow marriage between queer “couples”. If I recall correctly, the polls were allegedly in favor of the queers but when the actual votes were counted, the state voted that marriage was between a man and a woman.

The queers and their enablers were shocked. After all, the polls were in their favor. Never mind that the results of the polls were probably slanted by the liberal, anti-god, anti-American, pro-queer media. One reason for the conflicting polls vs. election results is probably because many people, when asked whether or not they support queers by an unknown person will take the politically correct answer in an attempt to not look “intolerant”.

I fear that if this pro-queer trend continues, our Country is in danger of a Holy napalm strike like Sodom and Gomorrah.

For more on the Church of Christ, see:

