Sunday, June 27, 2010

“Peace” People Promote Pro-Palestinian Propaganda

Last Friday, 25 June 2010, I attended discussion on “Palestinian” issues given at the “Peace” Resource Center in Seaside, California.

The “Peace” Resource Center is associated with the “Peace” Coalition of Monterey County PCMC. I use “peace” in quotation marks because these people aren’t as much concerned about “Peace” as they are about promoting their Socialist/Marxist agenda.

You’ll find that “peace” activists throughout the years have NEVER said anything against atrocities committed by communist governments or the Communist terrorist/revolutionary groups they sponsor and they will ALWAYS take a position against This Country and Our allies.

I didn’t peruse the books in their bookcases, but one book prominently displayed was one of Noam Chomsky’s books and there was a poster of Hugo Chavez, the Marxist dictator of Venezuela.

I’ve attended at least two discussions put on by the PCMC where the speakers were singing the praises of Fidel Castro and his Communist policies, policies they want to put in place in This Country.

I’ve often attended meetings put on by this group because there was a time when I liked to hear what the enemy was saying. I don’t attend as often as I used to. One, I know where they stand on nearly every issue. Two, most of their meetings are on days when I work and three, I really, REALLY despise these “people”, sometimes to the point of barely considering them human beings and I generally can only take so much of their drivel.

Tonight’s discussion centered on Palestine-born author Susan Abulhawa who wrote a book titled “Mornings in Jenin” (original working Title: “Scar of David”)

Considering the discussion was given at the “Peace” Resource Center and that it was being led by a “Palestinian”, I was expecting the usual anti-Israel rhetoric common among their ilk. I wasn’t disappointed.

Much of the discussion was about IDF invasion of the Jenin refugee camp from 3-11 April 2002. Regurgitating the usual left-wing propaganda about the invasion, Bulhawa accuses the IDF of committing a “massacre” in Jenin, and scoffs at reports of Jenin being a hotbed of terrorism. Perhaps calling Jenin a hotbed of terrorism would not be entirely accurate. Israel’s concern was not terrorism in Jenin, it was the terrorism exported from Jenin into Israel.

From October 2000 until the invasion there were 23 suicide attacks against Israel with another five attempted attacks. The IDF captured a document written by the Fatah terrorist group that called Jenin the “martyr’s” (suicide bombers) capital.

Oddly enough, (or not) Abulhawa doesn’t mention any of this. Nor does she mention that after Hamas and other Leftist groups claimed 300-400 Palestinians were killed, only about 55 were confirmed killed, only about seven of the dead were civilians.

Laughably, Abulhawa and other Leftists at the meeting whined about the “pro-Israel bias” in the media. Abulhawa also whined about how “Palestinians” are looked on by much of the world as terrorists. Apparently, it has nothing to do with the many acts of terrorism committed by “Palestinian” Muslims.

What was perhaps the most offensive part of this discussion was how Abulhawa and some of the other Liberals attending compared the treatment of Palestinians to the mass extermination of Jews during WWII. I don’t recall any reports of “Palestinians” being systematically murdered, but perhaps that’s because to the pro-Israel “bias” of the media.

I could go on about this discussion, but if you’ve ever heard or read anti-Israel propaganda, then you’ve probably heard everything else that was said at this meeting before.

I’ve written before that I’ve attended several meetings but on by the PCMC and others of their ilk, so often some of the people there know me and they also know that I’m not one of them.

One of the attendees, an American white woman who converted to Islam (A woman voluntarily converting to Islam is about as logical as a Jew converting to Islam, or a Colored person converting to Mormonism) asked me what I thought about the discussion. I told her it was pretty much what I expected, a bunch of Liberals making excuses for terrorists.

She made several mocking comments about “those bad terrorists”. I asked her several times if she thought terrorism i.e. the 9-11 attacks (Which I do think was committed by Muslims and not Bush and Cheney) was a bad thing and she asked me if I was afraid of them.

She continued on with the usual Liberal talking points about the 9-11 attacks being committed by Saudis so why are we killing children in Iraq, claiming the drone strikes were killing woman and children, etc. I pointed out that we aren’t killing civilians on purpose and that there is a difference (To sane people) between intentionally targeting civilians and attacking terrorists and accidentally killing civilians as a result.

But I tend to not spend too much time arguing with fools because people may get the two of you confused.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

The California Primary, 8 June 2010:

The California Primary, 8 June 2010: God Save California (or at least rain down Your fire and give California a quick, merciful end and give me time to move to Arizona)

Governor’s Race: Three Bad Choices

It appears that the heads of the Illuminati met at the Bohemian Grove to plot on finding three gubernatorial candidates who would be the worst for California. After selecting them, they thought to themselves, “Indeed, these three verily suck, but even with these three, one of them may make a decision by accident that would actually benefit California”.

So they decided to dig even deeper and select three even worse candidates, Former governor Jerry (Moonbeam) Brown, Meg (nit)Whitman and Steve Poizner.

One would either have to be on dope, a Marxist or have recently received a lobotomy to seriously consider voting for Brown.

Meg Whitman and Steve Poizner are the two alleged Republican challengers to the Moonbeam. I seriously doubt and court of law would find enough evidence to convict either of them for being a Republican.

If the situation in California weren’t so serious, one would find amusement in RINOs (Republican In Name Only)Poizner and Whitman accusing each other of being a RINO.

Whitman, who was at one time supported amnesty for illegal aliens, is now talking tough about securing the border, even though she opposes the Arizona law.

Whitman, who is at least in her 50’s wasn’t even registered to vote prior to 2007 and now she wants us to believe she’s so concerned about the state of California, she deserves to be governor.

Whitman in 1999 donated $1000 to John Kerry, in 2002, donated $2000 to Demoncratic NY congressman Mike Honda and $4000 in 2003 to Barbara Boxer.

Whitman also bashed Reagan’s tax cuts and while CEO of Ebay, banned the site from publishing adds for firearms and firearm accessories.

She did however support Proposition 8, California’s anti-queer “marriage” initiative and supports parental notification prior to a minor having an abortion.

But, the final nail in Whitman’s coffin on why I won’t vote for her, the Monterey Coast Weekly, the most left-wing paper in Monterey County, other than The People’s Daily World endorses Whitman as the “Republican” candidate for governor.

Tom Campbell vs. Carly Fiorina vs. Chck DeVore.
Three people, calling themselves Republicans are running against Comrade Babs Boxer for U.S. Senate. One is a true Republican, one is a questionable Republican and the other isn’t even Republican enough to be considered a RINO.

The other “Republican” I’m speaking of is of course, Tom Campbell. For those who are completely lacking in morality and common sense, if you like Babs Boxer, you’ll love Tom Campbell. In fact, why would one bother with voting for Campbell as long as Boxer is in the senate? Arguably, Dizzy Dianne is more Republican than Campbell.

My choice is DeVore. His Conservative credentials are solid and proven, unlike Fiorina who has never held a public office. Fiorina supported the Wall Street bailout, left-wing, pro-La Raza Judge Sotomayer as a Supreme Court Justice, and opposes Arizona’s anti-illegal alien Law, and lastly she’s supported by faux Conservative Sarah Palin.

I can forgive Palin for running as a Conservative “beard” for notorious RINO John McCain and even supporting McCain over the true Conservative running for McCain’s senate seat, but I won’t forgive or excuse her for saying she would run with RINO Mitt Romney if he decided to run in 2012. Basically Palin endorsing Fiorina doesn’t exactly give me much confidence in her.

True she is ahead of DeVore in the polls and people claim DeVore “can’t win. It reminds me of the “McClintock can’t win” chant repeated over and over again by people who voted for Schwarzenegger over McClintoock, who was the true Republican running for governor.

Now Schwarzenegger had proven to be every bit as bad as Gray Davis. If everyone who claimed “McClintock couldn’t win” had actually voted for him we would have an actual Republican as governor.

I’m voting for DeVore. If Fiorina wins, I MAY consider voting for her in the general election.

Frankly, I getting so fed up with politics in California I may stop voting for candidates altogether and only vote of the propositions.

The 17th Congressional race:

Farr(Left) v. Jeff Taylor V. Gary Richard Arnold v. Pete Andresen

Sam Farr(Farr): Who in their right mind would vote for this Marxist union stooge?

Jeff Taylor: I like Taylor and his positions, but if I remember correctly, the last time Taylor ran against Farr, he stopped campaigning and switched his voter registration to Independent. I would still vote for him if a personal friend was not running for the same seat.

Gary Richard Arnold: Arnold is a personal friend of mine and while I disagree with him on some of his 9-11 conspiracy theories, I know I agree with him on just about every other issue and I know he won’t switch parties and stop campaigning.

Pete Andresen: Don’t know much about him except that he came into the last congressional race as a write-in candidate after Taylor, for the most part abandoned the race

State Propositions:

The main one I’m concerned about is Proposition 14 which would result in an open primary election. If this moronic proposition passes, a Demoncrat would be able to vote for a RINO in the primary so that even if their Demoncratic candidate loses in the general election they’ll get a RINO in office who will be no better than the Demoncrat.

To make it simpler, Sam Farr supporters could vote for RINO Tom Campell and if by some miracle Farr were to lose there would be another demoncrat, wearing a Republican beard in office. Near-Marxist, union stooge Sam Farr would have no problems getting the nomination even if a few Reds did vote for the RINO instead of Farr.

Not surprisingly, RINOs Arnold Schwarzenegger and Abel Maldonado support this proposition. Maldonado knows that more republicans are finally getting wise to him and it will be easier to win a primary is if Demoncrats are allowed to vote for him.

My post doesn’t cover all the candidates, propositions and issues, but I’m not really arrogant enough to believe I’ll change anyone opinions, but when this election is over and California is in the same sorry shape it’s in now, I can say I told you so.

L.Bryan Grasper
