Thursday, January 10, 2008

Gun Checkpoints: Trading Liberty For Security

There was a letter published in a local Monterey County California Newspaper where a simple-minded (liberal) writer suggested using “gun checkpoints” to solve the problem of gang violence in Salinas.

I’m always amazed at how anti-gun cowards want to rely on someone else to protect them, and thus allow the protector to put themselves at risk because of the anti-gunner’s cowardice.

Salinas California is a city with a population of about 148,350 people with a murder rate of 4.7 per 100,000 people. Compared to Richmond (population 103,470, with 38 murders per 100,000 people), it’s practically Mayberry, but for Monterey County, it’s a dangerous city.

Never mind the fact that guns aren’t the problem in any high crime area (criminals, are) there is another slight problem with the airhead’s idea of gun checkpoints, namely, the Fourth Amendment. For those who don’t remember that’s the one against unreasonable searches and seizure.

Perhaps the writer thinks only gang members should be stopped. But of course, that would involve “profiling” and liberals hate that.

As Benjamin Franklin wrote, “Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.”

A better use for “gun checkpoints” would be to ensure people entering a high crime area of Salinas (or especially Richmond) were carrying a gun.



Another Second Amendment Victory

Today, by a unanimous 3-0 decision, the Washington D.C. Court of Appeals upheld the ruling of a lower court dismissing a lawsuit filed by the District of Columbia and nine families of gun crime victims against 25 gun manufacturers.

The court ruled that the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (and common sense), signed into law by President Bush (So he is good for something) required that the lawsuit be dismissed.

One would hope (at least I do) that the news over these past two days would have members of the Brady Center, Handgun Control (confiscation) Inc. etc. jumping out of windows.

Given the good Second Amendment news yesterday and today, one wonders if we'll get a third victory tomorrow.

Perhaps Michael Moore and or Rosie O'Donnell will choke to death on a Big Mac

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

A Rare Win for the Second Amendment

Today I received somewhat of a birthday present. While I don’t live in the West Coast’s Sin City (San Francisco), I was born there. (Before all of the hippies, sodomites and other various freaks moved there) The California State Court of Appeals struck down a law in the City of Sodomy that would have banned the sale and ownership of handguns and all ammunition.

The NRA successfully sought an injunction against the law’s enforcement in 2005. But regardless, the Sodomite City’s Board of Supervisors lead by Mayor Gavin (Gruesome) Newsom approved penalties consisting of a $1000 fine or 90 days to six months in jail.

This is a big win for the Second Amendment. But, as one person posted to the Ca-Firearms Yahoo group,“Socialists NEVER give up trying to control every aspect of life in the proletariat.” and that Gruesome Newsom and crowd can still appeal the ruling to the California State Supreme Court.

For now, I just accept this birthday present and the rare win against the anti-gun cowards.



Monday, January 07, 2008

Bush; The Best President Mexico Ever Had

Once again, Bush has refused to pardon or to even commute the sentences of Border patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, even though prosecutor Johnny Sutton, the assistant U.S. Attorney in the case admitted Drug dealer Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila lied under oath when he testified.

Agents Compean and Ramos were convicted and sent to prison for shooting Aldrete-Davila after he turned and pointed what appeared to be a gun at them as he fled back across the border into Mexico. Aldrete-Davila was only slightly injured and the two agents didn’t know they hit the smuggler.

A Federal Appeals Court judge, E. Grady Jolly remarked that it seemed the government overreacted in the prosecution of the two agents.

“Overreacted” may be an understatement. Government prosecutors went to Mexico and offered the smuggler immunity from prosecution in exchange for testifying against the two agents. Prosecutors also withheld from the jury that Aldrete-Davila was arrested several months later for, of course drug smuggling.

One would think that would be enough for Bush to give Compean and Ramos a full pardon, but no. Bush Is Mexico’s punk and quite possibly the best president Mexico has ever had.

Since Bush has been in office he’s pardoned nearly a hundred people, more than a few of them had been convicted of drug dealing and manufacturing. Several of these dealers weren’t just into marijuana and hashish, several dealt in cocaine.

Unfortunately, we will probably get no relief after this next election. Obviously if one of the Marxists, posing as a Democrat wins they’ll do all they can to suck up to Mexico and will probably do everything in their power to allow illegal aliens to vote.

Several of the alleged front runners of the Republican Party, namely Giuliani, McCain and Huckabee won’t do much about illegal aliens either.

Once again, we’re screwed.

