Monday, September 26, 2005


Last Saturday, anti-U.S/anti-War protests were conducted in Washington DC and other places around the Country. The protests were sponsored by the CPUSA front group A.N.S.W.E.R. This is a letter that was published in a local Monterey paper several weeks before Iraq War II:
On January 18th, the group headed by Ramsey Clark A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) is sponsoring a “peace” march to oppose a possible war with Iraq ANSWER also sponsored the April 20th anti-globalization protests. The April 20th event was organized with the help of the Communist party USA (CPUSA) which was mentioned in a memo issued by CPUSA organization secretary Elena Mora. ANSWER HQ is in the same building (39 W, 14th St., NY (212) 633-6646), as another group closely associated with Clark the International Action Committee (IAC) (39 E of the same street). The IAC is another CPUSA front, which also praises Castro and reproduces many of his speeches on their website. Other sponsors of ANSWER are Cop-killer Wesley (Mumia Jamal) Cook, Congressman Cynthia McKinney (Who in 15 January 1998 was an Executive Committee member of the Progressive Caucus, Democratic Socialists of America), CPUSA, WILPF, Women’s Strike for Peace (WSP), Workers World Party, Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), International Socialist Organization, the National Lawyers Guild, which was described in congressional investigations as “the bulwark of the Communist Party, etc. The list of Socialist and Communist connected organizations goes on.

The connection of “Peace” groups to Communist and Socialists causes is nothing new. To “Peace” groups, the America can do no right and most Communist countries can do no wrong. Ramsey Clark while Attorney General during the Vietnam War era opposed a federal law that would have made sending supplies to the Viet Cong or NVA illegal. He also brushed off pro-Viet Cong activity as merely “eccentric”. Clark will also never pass up an opportunity to bash the US.

The ADA, during WWII under their previous name Union for Democratic Action supported the Soviets and called for a Communist Revolution in America and has called for a total welfare state in America.

Dagmar Wilson who claimed she actually believed the Soviets wanted to disarm founded the Women’s Strike for “Peace”. During the House Un-American Activities Committee hearings 9 of the 12 WSP “leaders” (The WSP claimed they had no leaders) plead the 5th when asked about CPUSA membership or activities. In 1965 a 10 member WSP delegation traveled to Indonesia to meet with a delegation Vietnamese Communists (From both the north and South) to sign a declaration deploring US “aggression. One

Jane Addams, who had a long time association with various Communists, Socialists and their causes and was later identified as a secret CPUSA member by one of her comrades, founded WILPF.

Nothing further needs to be said about groups like the Worker’s World Party and the International Socialist Organization. ANSWER is just another Communist front group that will always oppose US military action taken in the interests of the US.

I don’t necessarily support a full-scale war with Iraq. Iraq’s WMD program could be dealt with by using a few tactical air strikes. Also, Bush Jr. claiming he has knowledge of Hussein’s weapons but not sharing that information with UN inspectors takes from his credibility. Also his claiming the US is at risk from Hussein and then appealing to the UN also takes from his credibility.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

What Second Amendment?

One of the outrages of the Katrina disaster, mostly ignored by the mainstream (read liberal) media was the confiscation of guns from law-abiding citizens. With reports of looting, assaults and rapes, P. Edwin Compass III, the superintendant of Police ordered that only the police will be able to carry firearms. To be more accurate, only police and people rich enough to hire private security firms to protect them. This of course is an assinine order in light of the the type of animals who tend to surface during disasters.

Not only were most citizen banned from carrying firearms, citizens had their homes, or what was left of them entered and searched by police. Legally posessed firearms were confiscated. As Larry and Erich Pratt of the Gun Owners Of America wrote in a recent article, “So if Mayor Ray Nagin really wanted to help the decent citizens of New Orleans, (given his shoddy performance prior to and during the disaster, he didn’t. My note) he would be issuing law abiding citizens firearms instead of taking them away. Nagin's actions will put people in further jeopardy -- and if one citizen dies in New Orleans because he was deprived of the ability to defend himself or his family, there will be blood on the Mayor's hands."

As I wrote in a previous blog, only a fool depends solely on the government for help during an emergency. Being armed is a must

A local, milder example of government excess occurred in Moss Landing, near Monterey over the Labor Day weekend. Several boats were boarded and searched by the Coast Guard in what were called “safety inspections”. The Coast Guard has the authority to search boats for safety, but according to reports, many of the searches were done at around 10:30 PM. Some of the residents (Apparently, there are people other than Sonny Crockett who live on their boats) felt intimidated because some of the Coast Guard members were armed with M-16s, and the Coast Guard boats had machineguns on their bows. (Of course I don’t expect the guns, which are standard equipment to be removed from the boats for a search)

Being as the people searched were not suspected of any wrongdoing, the searches could have been done at a more reasonable hour.

Hopefully, the two above incidents don’t signal a return to the Clinton regime’s jack-booted thugs.



From the National Rifle Association

(Fairfax, VA) - Today, the National Rifle Association (NRA) filed a motion in United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana seeking a temporary restraining order to block authorities from confiscating law-abiding citizens' firearms in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

"New Orleans is the first city in the United States to forcibly disarm peaceable law-abiding citizens and it must be the last. Victims are dealing with a complete breakdown of government. At a time when 911 is non-operational and law enforcement cannot respond immediately to calls for help, people have only the Second Amendment to protect themselves, their loved ones and their property," said NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre.

*****GOOD NEWS**********

From the NRA Institute for Legislative Action

Major Victory For Firearms Owners And Freedom In Louisiana

Friday, September 23, 2005

(Fairfax, VA) -- The United States District Court for the Eastern District in Louisiana today sided with the National Rifle Association (NRA) and issued a restraining order to bar further gun confiscations from peaceable and law-abiding victims of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.

“This is a significant victory for freedom and for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. The court’s ruling is instant relief for the victims who now have an effective means of defending themselves from the robbers and rapists that seek to further exploit the remnants of their shattered lives,” said NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre.

Joining LaPierre in hailing the U.S. District Court decision was NRA chief lobbyist Chris W. Cox. “This is an important victory. But the battle is not over. The NRA will remedy state emergency statutes in all 50 states, if needed, to ensure that this injustice does not happen again."

The controversy erupted when The New York Times reported, the New Orleans superintendent of police directed that no civilians in New Orleans will be allowed to have guns and that “only law enforcement are allowed to have weapons.” ABC News quoted New Orleans’ deputy police chief, saying, “No one will be able to be armed. We are going to take all the weapons.”

The NRA also pledged that it will continue its work to ensure that every single firearm arbitrarily and unlawfully seized under this directive is returned to the rightful law-abiding owner.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Lessons Katrina Taught Me

There are several lessons people should learn from the Katrina disaster. The foremost of which is DON’T RELY ON THE GOVERNMENT, LOCAL, STATE AND ESPECIALLY FEDERAL TO TAKE CARE OF YOU. It’s a lesson I needed to be reminded of too.

People need to prepare themselves for the emergency situations that are most likely to occur in their area. On my side of the coast that would be earthquakes, in the middle of the Country it would probably be tornadoes and hurricanes on the east coast. In other places, riots may be a concern.

In my opinion, if a major hurricane is coming and you live in an area that’s near or especially below sea level, the best defense is to get out. Granted, some people may not be able to, however, getting out is the best choice. Evacuating the area may also be just heading to higher or safer ground. When you leave, take what you’ll need to live on while you’re away, obviously, food, water, guns and ammo, radio, toilet paper etc. (If you take military MRE’s, you may not need as much toilet paper) A Google search will lead you to survival kits you can either buy or make for yourself.

I think another important part of an emergency survival plan is to have a group of people to work with. If you plan to evacuate, that’s a near necessity. If you’re a Mormon, and have three wives and fourteen kids, you’re already set. If some of the children are too young to carry a gun, they can always carry supplies like extra ammo. You can even assign one of them to carry the toilet paper and body wipes. (I admit, being somewhat clean and having clean underwear in an emergency is highly important to me.)

However, if you’re like most of us (or me anyway) you’ll have to hook up with other, like-minded people. One of my friends, who was in LA during the Rodney King riots considered buying several shotguns. In case of another riot he could hand them out to several trusted friends and have an instant militia.

The point being that a group of prepared, armed people working together is better than a person working alone. Hopefully, you’ll have neighbors that you can band together with for protection and for pooling resources. If you plan to evacuate, group members can trade off with being on watch at night.

As is being demonstrated in New Orleans, human predators thrive during disasters.

The main thing to remember here is that you can’t rely completely on the government. You are your first line of defense.



Friday, September 02, 2005

The Continuing Abomination

The abomination continues. I don’t plan to make sexual degenerates the main topic of my blogsite, but the California Senate recently passed a queer “marriage” bill. As I mentioned in one of my previous postings, California citizens voted overwhelmingly (61%) that marriage is between a man and a woman. The sodomite lobby (most of whom are democrats, naturally) are going against the wishes of the people. I Thought democrats were for a “democracy”, the will of the people rules. Apparently, sucking up to the pervert lobby is more important.

If California legalizes queer “marriage” it will pay, and the floods of New Orleans will look like a minor inconvenience.

