Sunday, November 12, 2006

Elton John, Queen of Pop Bashes Christianity

It was reported yesterday that Elton John, the homo pop artist said he would ban religion completely. As the colorful queer whined,

"I think religion has always tried to turn hatred towards gay people," John said in the Observer newspaper's Music Monthly Magazine. "Religion promotes the hatred and spite against gays."

He added, “Organized religion doesn't seem to work. It turns people into really hateful lemmings and it's not really compassionate."

In the case of Judeo-Christianity, and with the exception of the nutcase Reverend Phelps, “hatred” against homos isn’t preached, instead it’s their perverted sexual practices that are condemned.

I didn’t just find out Elton was a backdoor man, I found that out back in the 70’s when he was one of my favorite singers. I really liked Bennie and the Jets, Saturday night’s Alright for Fighting and other of his songs. I also liked his Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy album. When I found out it was other men, rather than horses he rode, I stopped buying his music for a time. As years passed by however, I began to listen to his music again. After all, he wasn’t the first queer performer and he wouldn’t be the last. (He especially won’t be the last queer British performer)

However his bashing of religion (and I’m sure, like most homos he’s mostly hates Christianity) is going too far for me. Starting today, I won’t listen to the Christian-hating homo’s music.

As I said before, I liked Elton’s Captain Fantastic album. I bought the CD about a year or so ago and on the day I read about his Christian-bashing I had the CD in my vehicle’s CD player.

I won’t be listening to it again. Three shots from my slingshot and several more from my Air Soft MP5 and Crossman Nightstalker air rifle saw to that.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Day The Country Died

It's over. The animals have won. When I go to bed tonight I'm almost hoping I die in my sleep.

The End

Today's election will most likely be the beginnings to the end of this Country. If the Reds win this election, and it appears they will we will see in the next election more RINOs running as "republicans" and trying to outdo the demoncrats in driving this Country into socialism.

As Black Sabbath said in one of their songs, "If you listen to fools (liberals), the mob rules"



Monday, November 06, 2006

We’re Screwed Part II: The Election about Everything, and Nothing

With the election this Tuesday comes the real threat of the Marxists (Demoncrats) coming into power again. While the Republicans may deserve to lose, the Demoncrats definitely DO NOT deserve to win! If those fools win this Country is finished and there is no longer any hope for it. I can’t say I’m too disappointed with Bush, I didn’t expect too much from him to begin with. Warning to Conservatives, never trust a person who calls himself “Conservative” but feels the need to add the qualifier, “compassionate”. “Compassionate Conservative” is him admitting in a deceptive way he’s just another Demoncrat, though slightly less Marxist.

I am however disappointed with the “Republicans” in the House and Senate. They should have had the balls to stand up to Bush, his big-spending and his protracted wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Our job in Afghanistan was finished when the Taliban was removed from power. Likewise in Iraq, our job was done when Saddam was defeated. We’re wasting time, money and American lives by trying to get Muslims to accept democracy.

The war and illegal immigration are the main reasons the Republicans will lose the House and maybe even the Senate this election. Even if they win, there will still be the usual RINOs blocking any real reform.

The national election aside, California will choose as governor an enviro-marxist, anti-gun, pro-queer goofball or an even more pro-queer, anti-gun and bigger enviro-marxist goofball. (I’m only mentioning the Republican and Demoncratic candidates as the other parties have no chance of winning anything larger than a local election) If you believe the polls, it looks like we’ll be stuck with the former. The former, Arnold Schwarzenegger has been endorsed by one of the most pro-marxist local papers in Monterey County, the Monterey County Weekly. As for me, I wrote in Tom McClintock

For Lt Governor, we have the choice of the pro-family, pro-gun Tom McClintock and near-marxist Demoncrat, Garamendi. Again, I chose McClintock. For Secretary of State we have the choice of the RINO Bruce McPherson (pro-queer, pro-abortion and often anti-gun) and some other guys who’s an even worse choice. I however refuse to vote for a liberal Republican in this case, especially one who was part of the liberal faction who took over the Monterey “Republican” Central Committee. I instead wrote in the name of one of my friends, Peter Kaiser. It was the voter guides provided by him that helped me make many of my choices.

For Attorney General, we have the choice Chuck Poochigian and (no joke) ex-governor Moonbeam, Jerry Brown. (The horror, the horror) If Brown wins, and especially if he wins because of his name recognition, it will be proof that California is indeed overly populated by idiots.

In the 17th Congressional district we have an interesting situation. On one hand we have Sam Farr(left) who’s an enviro-marxist, anti-gun. Pro-queer world government goofball (he’s the only congressman to display the UN flag outside of his office) and the missing Republican candidate Anthony De Maio and write-in candidate Jeff Taylor. De Maio dropped out of sight since making it onto the ballot and I suspect he may even be a Demoncratic Party plant, set up to run so a real GOP candidate could be found to run to oppose Farr (left). Taylor, on the other hand describes himself as supporting traditional values and says he’s involved with Young Life, which I think is a Christian Youth group. However, my friend Kaiser spoke with him and reports that Taylor supports some gun control and supports bans on semi-auto weapons. Also highly distressing is the RINOs of the Monterey County “Republican” Central Committee support him. For those outside of this area, the MCRCC HATES Republicans with traditional values and actively works to keep them off of the Central Committee.

For the 27th State assembly district, we have the choice of a “big-tent”, pro-queer (Endorsed by the Log Cabin (queer) republicans) Michael Morrison and practicing queer and anti-gun Jim Laird. While Morrison is pro-gun, I refuse to vote for a “Republican” endorsed by the queer lobby.

There are also several bond issues on the ballot which I voted no on, and an initiative to protect private property rights from Imminent Domain confiscations, which I voted for. (Liberals hate private property, other people’s private property anyway)

Either way, California is as screwed as the rest of the Country.

God help us.



Thursday, November 02, 2006

We're Screwed.

As I've said before, liberals are a bigger threat to this Country than Al Qaeda.

When you hear or read about some worthless, atheist liberal puke (this post is mainly just me letting off steam in response to a letter printed in a local paper, written by one such puke)screeching about the "Far Right", "Fundamentalist Christians”,” Christian fascists" or "zealots", etc translate that into what the left-wing savages really mean. What they're really saying is, "We're amoral degenerates and hate the fact that people with even the most basic moral values make us face how perverted we really are and, in order for us to feel good about ourselves, we MUST do away with the basic moral standards this Country held up until about 40 years ago".

40 years ago, would anyone outside of a few outspoken degenerates seriously be suggesting queers should be able to marry, or that abortion should be used as a form of birth control? For people under the age of 30, let me answer, NO! 40 years ago, would people opposed to the above be bashed as intolerant extremists and even compared to the Muslim fanatics with whom we are now at war? No. (Don’t bore me with the e-mails sniveling that all Muslims aren’t terrorists. I know that already)

I’m amazed at how far this Country has fallen just in my lifetime. Thanks in large part to the amoral left in both major political parties, this Country is on Its way down the toilet and It’s barely clinging to the rim.

As bad as it is now, (and Bush isn’t helping matters) it will be much worse if the Party of Degenerates and Traitors, (the DNC) win next Tuesday’s election. It looks like they may have an excellent chance.

Should they win, can anyone suggest a country I can escape to in a hot air balloon or something?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Boycott Wal-Mart: Oppose the Degenerate's Agenda

Several months ago, I posted an article in defense of Wal-Mart. The left at that time, while they hate private business in general, had a near slobbering and maniacal hatred of Wal-Mart.

Well now Wal-Mart, perhaps in an attempt to suck up (so to speak) to the left are now embracing the homo-lobby and supporting queer “marriage”. Also, Wal-Mart has joined the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. Wal-Mart also sells multiple pro-queer books.

The degenerates are on the march. People who hold to even the most basic traditional moral values should be on the march too.

Boycott Wal-Mart.

