Early last year, the mayor of
San Francisco (Where else?) performed a series of queer "weddings." Shortly afterward, the
Santa Cruz Bible Church held a Valentines week contest honoring the oldest and newest married couple.
Two dykes who had been attending the church stood up to be recognized as the newest “married” couple.
This of course raised some eyebrows.
As reported in the Santa Cruz Sentinel:
(Doreen) Boxer and (Cynthia) Zapata, who were married in San Francisco just two days before the church service, were soon the only ones standing. But rather than being greeted with accolades, the couple was met with an uncomfortable pause as the contest moderator proceeded to confer with church leaders on whether to acknowledge a lesbian couple and give them the award, according to parishioners.
One of the parishioners made this comment to The Sentinel:
“It was so awkward," said Elena Steeves, who has been attending Santa Cruz Bible Church on and off for 15 years. Steeves vows never to return after that Sunday’s events.
"I felt so bad for them, and personally I felt betrayed,"
The fact that a person could attend the Church for 15 years and not know that know that homosexuality would be opposed by the church begs the question, just what do they teach there?
The pastor went ahead and gave the “newlyweds” the prize.
The executive pastor did stand up and condemn queer “marriage.”
I wrote and submitted a letter to the Sentinel which they wouldn’t publish. So I wrote the following essay and posted it on the Sentinel’s message board:
The incident with the “married” lesbian couple at the Santa Cruz Bible was clearly a staged event. One would have to be extremely gullible to believe otherwise.
There is no homosexual in America that doesn’t know that any truly Christian church opposes homosexuality. If they had any doubts, the Church’s name, the Santa Cruz BIBLE Church should have been a hint.
The article stated that the church ministry was “struggling “to respectfully affirm its beliefs. I’m sure that a minister in a Bible-believing church would have no problems affirming what the Bible says about homosexuality.
Boxer and Dixon claim they thought they were divinely guided to the Santa Cruz Bible Church. Perhaps it was. They seem to have gotten the message there that they apparently weren’t getting in churches they previously attended.
The Church leaders handled the incident better than I ever could have.
Boxer responded to my post on the message board and even left a long-winded message on my voicemail. Following is my response
I’ve finally read Doreen’s rant and will now respond. Don’t worry; my response won’t be nearly as long.
Boxer babbles on a lot about being judgmental, judging, etc. She has no problem being judgmental herself when she accuses others of being “narrow-minded”. Boxer claims that no person can judge her. What’s there to judge? She already stated she’s a lesbian. I would (also) remind Boxer that the Bible is one of the most judgmental books ever written.
Boxer speaks being “legally married”. Boxer, you weren’t legally “married”. The SF Mayor was breaking the law when he allowed such “marriages”
I(t) was amusing for Boxer to ponder the state of same-sex “marriages” if the world were primarily homosexual. Boxer, it isn’t. Being as how homosexuals don’t reproduce (I assume your children weren’t the result of you and your “wife” mating) that probably will never happen. We do know the result of a primarily homosexual society, re: Sodom and Gomorrah.
It was interesting to read the statements you attribute to your sister about homosexuals leaving California. Her statements seem to bring up the usual homosexual stereotypes in regards to home decorating, fashion etc. I’m certain that most of the people performing the jobs she listed are normal people. (Heterosexual) (According to Boxer, her sister said if queers left california the state would lose home decorators, fashion designers, etc)
This brings me to the actions of the Church. While the pastor was right to condemn same-sex “marriages”, he should have re-empathized that the Bible condemns homosexuality and that being a pastor of a Bible church he opposes it too.
I think the pastor should be concerned over how his Bible church was being labeled as “Gay friendly” He should also question how a lesbian couple could attend his church for 5 weeks and not feel convicted of their unnatural practices.
Boxer said she now attends the “Gay friendly”, First Congregational Church. Boxer liked their jazz service. Maybe the “gay friendly”, First Congregational Church should spend more time teaching the tenets of the Bible, rather than having “jazz services”.
As I’ve stated before, same-sex “marriage” is being pushed to so that homosexual couples feel good about themselves and feel normal. Should that ever happen, homosexuals will still know that their practices are an anomaly, not the norm.
Lastly, I don’t believe for a moment that Boxer didn’t expect the reaction she and her “wife” received in response to their self-outing. Boxer will be milking this incident for weeks.
About a year later, I had a chance meeting with a person who attends the Santa Cruz Bible Church and was present during this incident. He said he made his opinion to the pastor known that he opposed giving the queer couple the prize.