Saturday, April 30, 2005


(Written for a newspaper messageboard prior to the second Iraq War)

On January 18th, the group headed by Ramsey Clark A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) is sponsoring a “peace” march to oppose a possible war with Iraq. ANSWER also sponsored the April 20th anti-globalization protests. The April 20th event was organized with the help of the Communist party USA (CPUSA) which was mentioned in a memo issued by CPUSA organization secretary Elena Mora. ANSWER HQ is in the same building (39 W, 14th St, NY, NY (212) 633-6646), as another group closely associated with Clark the International Action Committee (IAC) (39 E of the same street). The IAC is another CPUSA front, which also praises Castro and reproduces many of his speeches on their website.

Other sponsors of ANSWER are Cop-killer Wesley (Mumia Jamal) Cook, Congressman Cynthia McKinney (Who in 15 January 1998 was an Executive Committee member of the Progressive Caucus, Democratic Socialists of America), CPUSA, WILPF, Women’s Strike for Peace (WSP), Workers World Party, Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), International Socialist Organization, the National Lawyers Guild, which was described in congressional investigations as “the bulwark of the Communist Party, etc. The list of Socialist and Communist connected organizations goes on.

The connection of “Peace” groups to Communist and Socialists causes is nothing new. To “Peace” groups, America can do no right and Communist countries can do no wrong. Ramsey Clark while Attorney General during the Vietnam War era, opposed a federal law that would have made sending supplies to the Viet Cong or NVA illegal. He also brushed off pro-Viet Cong activity as merely “eccentric”. Clark will also never pass up an opportunity to bash the US.

The ADA, during WWII under their previous name Union for Democratic Action supported the Soviets and called for a Communist Revolution in America and has called for a total welfare state in America.

Dagmar Wilson who claimed she actually believed the Soviets wanted to disarm, founded the Women’s Strike for “Peace”. During the House Un-American Activities Committee hearings 9 of the 12 WSP “leaders” (The WSP claimed they had no leaders) plead the 5th when asked about CPUSA membership or activities. In 1965 a 10 member WSP delegation traveled to Indonesia to meet with a delegation Vietnamese Communists (From both the north and South) to sign a declaration deploring US “aggression.

Jane Addams, who had a long time association with various Communists, Socialists and their causes and was later identified as a secret CPUSA member by one of her comrades, was the founder of WILPF.

Nothing further needs to be said about groups like the Worker’s World Party and the International Socialist Organization. ANSWER is just another Communist front group that will always oppose US military action taken in the interests of the US.

I don’t necessarily support a full-scale war with Iraq. Iraq’s WMD program could be dealt with by using a few tactical air strikes. Also, Bush Jr. claiming he has knowledge of Hussein’s weapons but not sharing that information with UN inspectors takes from his credibility. Also his claiming the US is at risk from Hussein and then appealing to the UN also takes from his credibility.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

When Lesbians Attack

Early last year, the mayor of San Francisco (Where else?) performed a series of queer "weddings." Shortly afterward, the Santa Cruz Bible Church held a Valentines week contest honoring the oldest and newest married couple. Two dykes who had been attending the church stood up to be recognized as the newest “married” couple. This of course raised some eyebrows. As reported in the Santa Cruz Sentinel:

(Doreen) Boxer and (Cynthia) Zapata, who were married in San Francisco just two days before the church service, were soon the only ones standing. But rather than being greeted with accolades, the couple was met with an uncomfortable pause as the contest moderator proceeded to confer with church leaders on whether to acknowledge a lesbian couple and give them the award, according to parishioners.

One of the parishioners made this comment to The Sentinel:

“It was so awkward," said Elena Steeves, who has been attending Santa Cruz Bible Church on and off for 15 years. Steeves vows never to return after that Sunday’s events.

"I felt so bad for them, and personally I felt betrayed,"

The fact that a person could attend the Church for 15 years and not know that know that homosexuality would be opposed by the church begs the question, just what do they teach there?

The pastor went ahead and gave the “newlyweds” the prize.

The executive pastor did stand up and condemn queer “marriage.”

I wrote and submitted a letter to the Sentinel which they wouldn’t publish. So I wrote the following essay and posted it on the Sentinel’s message board:

The incident with the “married” lesbian couple at the Santa Cruz Bible was clearly a staged event. One would have to be extremely gullible to believe otherwise.

There is no homosexual in America that doesn’t know that any truly Christian church opposes homosexuality. If they had any doubts, the Church’s name, the Santa Cruz BIBLE Church should have been a hint.

The article stated that the church ministry was “struggling “to respectfully affirm its beliefs. I’m sure that a minister in a Bible-believing church would have no problems affirming what the Bible says about homosexuality.

Boxer and Dixon claim they thought they were divinely guided to the Santa Cruz Bible Church. Perhaps it was. They seem to have gotten the message there that they apparently weren’t getting in churches they previously attended.

The Church leaders handled the incident better than I ever could have.

Boxer responded to my post on the message board and even left a long-winded message on my voicemail. Following is my response

I’ve finally read Doreen’s rant and will now respond. Don’t worry; my response won’t be nearly as long.

Boxer babbles on a lot about being judgmental, judging, etc. She has no problem being judgmental herself when she accuses others of being “narrow-minded”. Boxer claims that no person can judge her. What’s there to judge? She already stated she’s a lesbian. I would (also) remind Boxer that the Bible is one of the most judgmental books ever written.

Boxer speaks being “legally married”. Boxer, you weren’t legally “married”. The SF Mayor was breaking the law when he allowed such “marriages”

I(t) was amusing for Boxer to ponder the state of same-sex “marriages” if the world were primarily homosexual. Boxer, it isn’t. Being as how homosexuals don’t reproduce (I assume your children weren’t the result of you and your “wife” mating) that probably will never happen. We do know the result of a primarily homosexual society, re: Sodom and Gomorrah.

It was interesting to read the statements you attribute to your sister about homosexuals leaving California. Her statements seem to bring up the usual homosexual stereotypes in regards to home decorating, fashion etc. I’m certain that most of the people performing the jobs she listed are normal people. (Heterosexual) (According to Boxer, her sister said if queers left california the state would lose home decorators, fashion designers, etc)

This brings me to the actions of the Church. While the pastor was right to condemn same-sex “marriages”, he should have re-empathized that the Bible condemns homosexuality and that being a pastor of a Bible church he opposes it too.

I think the pastor should be concerned over how his Bible church was being labeled as “Gay friendly” He should also question how a lesbian couple could attend his church for 5 weeks and not feel convicted of their unnatural practices.

Boxer said she now attends the “Gay friendly”, First Congregational Church. Boxer liked their jazz service. Maybe the “gay friendly”, First Congregational Church should spend more time teaching the tenets of the Bible, rather than having “jazz services”.

As I’ve stated before, same-sex “marriage” is being pushed to so that homosexual couples feel good about themselves and feel normal. Should that ever happen, homosexuals will still know that their practices are an anomaly, not the norm.

Lastly, I don’t believe for a moment that Boxer didn’t expect the reaction she and her “wife” received in response to their self-outing. Boxer will be milking this incident for weeks.

About a year later, I had a chance meeting with a person who attends the Santa Cruz Bible Church and was present during this incident. He said he made his opinion to the pastor known that he opposed giving the queer couple the prize.

Queers at the Presidio of Monterey, Defense Language Institute

This letter, after being edited by the Californian was published in their paper.

The article about the 37 sexual degenerates discharged from the DLI also mentioned there are nearly 4000 students at the school with over 800 taking Arabic. Frankly, the 37 won’t be missed. As the article stated, the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy has been effect in the US military for a decade. I would also assume any person considering entering the military would have been advised of the policy when they were recruited.

A basic knowledge of anatomy should tell anyone homosexuality is unnatural. In spite of shows like “Will and Grace” and others attempting to propagandize the general public into accepting homosexuality as normal, most people recognize the life-choice as deviant. The US Military is comprised of people who for the most part, haven’t been propagandized and browbeaten into accepting homosexuality as normal. Common sense should prevail over what Jeff Cleghorn calls “the societal curve”

Soldiers such as Cathleen Glover and others who break the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy and are discharged should receive a less than honorable discharge until they pay back the money spent on them by the military.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Surprise, Surprise Surprise!!

Karl Landers had always been a bit of a character. In high school, Karl seemed to be fairly normal. (Or as "normal" me or anyone else who rolled with me) Karl owned several guns and a lot of my early knowledge of guns came from Karl. Karl was also a bit of a genius and had once modified his car to launch model rockets from under the hood.

I had no idea until our 20 year high school reunion that he was also a bit sexually confused. When I walked into the banquet room where the reunion was going to be held, I saw several people that I recognized. While visually checking the room for more familiar faces, I saw a woman with purplish, reddish hair. The “woman” was wearing a black leather skirt and knee-high black leather boots. I was wondering who she was and wondering weather or not she was a hotel worker, as I didn’t remember anyone in our class who dressed that way.

I approached the registration table where the “woman” was standing to sign in. The “woman’s” face lit up as I drew nearer and said “Brian!” I looked at “her” name tag which said Leslie Landers. In the months leading up to the reunion I had received several emails from the committee planning the reunion. Several of them were from Leslie Landers. At the time, when I saw the name I thought Karl must have talked his wife into helping with the committee.

I said to her, “you must be Karl’s wife” assuming he had showed her my picture from the yearbook. “She” said to me “You hadn’t heard? I used to be Karl”. I don’t remember my exact reaction, but I think I kept any surprised expression off of my face.

Prior to the reunion, I mentally prepared myself for the changes some people would make over 20 years. I assumed several classmates would have died, (Fortunately, only two) some would have been on their second or third marriage and others would have come out of the closet. Some one getting a “sex change” and especially Karl was more than a little surprising. This was the sort of thing that only happened in a sitcom episode, bad ones at that.

Later during the reunion, the one of the MC’s announced there was going to be a comedy routine. I hoped the routine would consist of Karl taking off his fake boobs and becoming a man again. Like I said, Karl was a character. Unfortunately, it was not to be.

I didn’t ask him at the reunion why he had the “sex change” but several days after the reunion I emailed him (The term “sex change” is a misnomer. Karl is not a woman. He’s a man with fake breasts and no pecker) and asked why. Karl said he’d had such feelings for several years. It’s too bad Karl couldn’t have received counseling or therapy instead of having a surgeon with a god complex mutilate him.

This was originally written for my English 301 class

Monday, April 18, 2005

Anti-clinton Protest 12 Jun 1998

Subject: Anti-clinton protest, Monterey State Beach: 12 Jun 98.

I know this is somewhat dated but hey, I’ve got to put something up...

This took pace at the Window by the Bay Park in Monterey. By coincidence, Clinton visited on the sane day that a young teen-aged girl was kidnapped and subsequently murdered…

I arrived at about 1145hrs. There were about 35 protesters. Also, there were approx. 3-4 people from what appeared to be a US Indian group. This same group appeared to support the legalization of dope. With this group was one female (?) beating a drum. (She/he was probably on dope at the time) The first person I recognized was C. Carter. I took up a space beside him with my sign, actually an impeach clinton bumper sticker placed on a piece of cardboard. There were also several other people I knew from the Monterey County Republican Central Committee (MCRCC) (The MCRCC has since been taken over by Pink Elephants, i.e. RINOS, traitors to the party, etc.), and others that I recognized from various other meetings and organizations. I also met a JBS coordinator from Fremont named Sam.

I was surprised by the fact that many of the people driving by supported us. Of the people that made any visible responses to us, about 75% made gestures of support. I.E. waving, thumbs up, honking etc. We did however, occasionally get the finger or the usual nonsensical leftist comments. (They truly are a sorry lot.)

Members of the press were also present. The two stations I am sure of were channels 46 and 8. They interviewed several people, me included. Lesson learned: In my case, don't talk to the press, at least not on camera. I stuttered, mumbled, gave 3-4 word sentences and basically sounded like a moron. However, the press did interview several other people better spoken than I am now or ever will be.

There were some leftist who opposed us and had actually had the nerve (liberals are generally cowards) to confront us. One was (The late) Sirrah Burton Harris who engaged a well-spoken protestor several yards away from me in a rather long discussion. Sirrah Harris; had a letter published in the Monterey County Herald on 10 Jun 98, claiming that clinton could not have forced a kiss upon Kathleen Wiley because he is taller than she is. (The logic of that comments escapes me as much now as it did then) (See Red File for letter.) (Sorry, the Red File is classified)

Two more outspoken buffoons, one, a Hispanic male, the other a black male accompanied by a slightly pudgy black female. The black male engaged several of us in somewhat of a debate. The black idiot chose to confront me directly. The clown asked why I did not support clinton, told me how the Republicans were for the rich and how clinton had done so much for black people, basically spouting the usual B.S. from the left-wing-idiots manual. He even told me how all of the other (white) protestors were rich and owned better cars than I did. (Who doesn't?) He went on (and on and on) about how I was being brainwashed and asked “they” “made” me come to the protest because I was dating a white girl. (?) I asked him what had clinton done for black people? He told me "lots of things!" I asked him, "name one." He said "Lots of things!" And so it went. I’ve often run into people who claim Clinton did so much for “the people” but can’t seem to name one. He did manage to tell me that clinton cared about Monterey because he visited here and Reagan never did. He told me that if a serious crime had occurred in Monterey, Reagan wouldn't have come to visit. (?) He shuffled on down the line of protestors talking to several of them, occasionally pointing at me and asking them why they were "brainwashing" me. (At least I have a brain you silly bastard.) Oh well. People that stupid aren't worth the cost of the bullet it would take to put them down. Well, I wouldn’t mind donating one for the cause, but it is illegal. Pity.

Across the street from us were two treasonous females holding up a banner calling for the ratification of some UN treaty. They were probably members of the UN Association. When, oh when, is the UNA going to be made to register as an agent of a foreign government or its membership hunted down and hanged as traitors?

One high point during the demonstration was when a woman and her nine-year-old daughter asked one a well-spoken member of our group to explain to the daughter what we had against clinton. The mother and daughter seem satisfied by his answer. It was a good opportunity to witness to a young person and maybe contradict some of the public school programming.

Later on during the protest, the silly Negro and his two associates drove by, in a brand new red sedan. (The car was probably paid for with welfare checks or drug money.)

Interesting note; during the protest, across the street, was a heavy set, balding black man photographing us. Maybe he was just a tourist. However, to me he didn't appear to just another interested person. Am I being paranoid? I think not. (Since then, I’ve begun to photograph the anti-Bush, anti-American protestors who pollute the park every Sunday)

We didn't think clinton was going to pass our way during the protest. However, several more police on motorcycles appeared and were getting into position to block traffic. Word came down to us that the clinton would be coming down Del Monte Ave. and making a right turn at the McDonalds. About half of us went to the other side of the street with our signs. Behind us were several 20-something people, about 2-3 females and 2-3 males. One of the females said something about how she supported the traitor and another female said that he was “their boss.” I assume they were Military. One of the protestors commented that clinton would try to make a pass at them if he had the chance and one of the females told him that she knew how to say no. He reminded her that according to gloria steinem, he would still have one free grope.

Finally, the motorcade passed by and I and the other protestors began to shout, “TRAITOR! TRAITOR! TRAITOR!” It really felt good. I only wish I had gone to the other side of the street to see the look on his face when he saw us. No, he did not stop at the McDonalds.

I still wonder if the person photographing us was just a sightseer or...?

I guess this means I get another notation in my FBI file.

I originally wrote this rant within several days of the protest. I modified the essay as I saw fit for clarity and updates.

Monday, April 11, 2005

"Peace" groups

"Peace" groups; are they merely unrealistic simpletons or something worse.

The following letter was written by an associate of mine to a local Santa Cruz newspaper. Not surprisingly, it wasn't published.

“Peace” organizations, like the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom always oppose military actions conducted by Western countries, but never those taken by Communist or Socialist countries. WILF and other “Peace” groups only support the military actions of the West if they’re taken on behalf of some ill-advised United Nations fool’s errand. Considering the ideology of WILPF’s founder, Jane Addams that’s to be expected. Addams spent most of her life associating herself with Socialists, Communists and their various causes. Addams, in 1914 was a leader of the Anti-Preparedness committee that opposed defensive and offensive uses of the U.S. military. Addams was also associated with several Communist front organizations. Maurice Malkin, a long-time Communist Party USA official wrote in his book “Return to my father’s house” that Addams became a secret CPUSA member in 1928. (Biographical Dictionary of the Left, Vol. #4)

Joyce Mclean, in the 28th April Sentinel, speaking about WILPF’s “Tax Day at the Post Office” mentioned a Department of “Peace”. One of the people who came up with that moronic, simple-minded idea is Congressman Dennis Kucinich. Kucinich, (Surprise!) is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, which is the U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International. (

The agenda of WILF and most other “peace” groups is to turn The U.S into a Socialist welfare State.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Pacifists Disgust Me

This letter of mine was published in a local paper in response to an article written about the Quakers. I don't know of any religions that are more cowardly.

If the founder’s of this Country weren’t willing to fight for their freedom, the Quakers would still be living under oppression. I have absolutely no respect for pacifists. Pacifists generally fall into either one of two categories; the vast majority being pathetic cowards and the rest, misguided simpletons.

Ellie Hoffman in the 18 August Post claimed there is a part of God in every person. If that’s true, then there’s also a part of satan in everyone. Some people listen to the dark side to the point where the only way to stop them by the use of force. Sometimes the force needed is deadly force.

Pacifists are allowed to live with their unrealistic view of the world because other people are willing to fight to ensure their safety.

If a Quaker or any other pacifist hears someone breaking into their house at 3 AM, do they offer their property, themselves and their family to the criminal or do they call for armed police officers to help them?

No Longer the Grand Old Party

Ann Coulter once said anyone with an IQ above that of a toaster has already decided if he was a Conservative or a liberal by the age of fourteen. Accordingly, I was more Conservative than most of my peers by the time I entered high school.

In one of my high school classes, the teacher wrote a list of the basic issues of both parties on the blackboard. I saw I agreed with most all of the Republican platform issues and few, if any of the democratic issues.

For the most part, I’ve stayed a true Republican, ever since. I did stray form the Republican path briefly when I supported abortion. That was only because I had bought into the myth of overpopulation and because it was mostly liberal women having abortions. I’ve long since repented of supporting that form of infanticide.

Over the years, I’ve discovered how destructive and anti-American the liberal ideology truly is. The democratic party appeals to their supporters via class envy and by promising government handouts that will be paid for by the “rich”.

When I was in the first grade, I would sometimes steal toys from the other kids thinking it wasn’t “fair” that they had better toys than I had. I often wouldn’t even keep the toys and threw them away. My thinking being if I couldn’t have them, no one could.

I’ve long since grown out of that way of thinking. Unfortunately, most liberals haven’t and want to punish anyone with more than they have even if it doesn’t benefit them.

Another big reason I’m not a democrat is they’re anti-gun. While claiming they only want to “control” guns their real agenda is to have them banned and confiscated. I’ll call any gun control advocate a liar to their face if they claim otherwise.

Unfortunately, since I registered as a Republican back in the eighties, some in the Republican Party are taking on some of the corrupt beliefs of the democrats. An recent example of this is how the California Republican leadership ignored Tom McClintock, a true Republican and jumped on the Arnold Schwarzenegger bandwagon, A “Republican” who supports abortion, gun control and homosexual adoption. I also won’t vote for or trust any “Republican” who would marry a democrat. It’s getting to the point where I’m seriously considering switching to another party. One democratic party is enough.