Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Attempted Queering of Black America

Proposition 8, which confirmed that true marriage is between one MAN and one WOMAN passed with nearly 70 percent of the black vote. The sodomite lobby (which doesn’t just include the perverts who engage in the practice) have expressed surprise and outrage that most blacks voted against them. For some reason, the degenerates think that because blacks were once a persecuted minority (yes, I did say ONCE, i.e. in the PAST a persecuted minority) we should also support their unnatural practices.

True, there are some blacks who’ve been hanging around white liberals too long and have been brainwashed into feeling that sodomites are just another minority. One of my former best friends is one of them (I don’t mean as in queer (but I wonder sometimes), I mean he’s been brainwashed into accepting buggery as normal) others however, will nod in agreement to their liberal friends but are thinking to themselves “of course homosexuality is unnatural”. It was these blacks who while voting for the most pro-homosexual presidential candidate in history, also voted to uphold the ban homosexual “marriage”.

All of the pro-homosexual propaganda, including Hollywood putting a homosexual into nearly ever TV sitcom still hasn’t convinced the majority of Blacks that homosexuality is “normal”.

Unlike Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the NAACP (Negroes Are Actually Colored People) I don’t pretend to speak for all Black Americans, however few things infuriate me more than to have the degenerates of the Queer lobby try to justify their perverted activity by comparing themselves to blacks.

A basic knowledge anatomy shows that homosexuality isn’t normal, therefore there is no such thing as homosexual “marriage”.

No ifs, ands, or butts about it

I do have a prediction for the next years. The sodomite lobby and Hollywood will direct more pro-homosexual propaganda toward Blacks. There will be an increase of black homosexual characters on television and in movies and it won’t be the usual hairdressers and fashion store owners. It will be tough black guys who just happen to bugger other men when they aren’t out kicking butt.

Homosexuality is also a hard sell in the Asian and Latino community, so there will also be more of them playing butt-rangers.

If This Country ever fully accepts homosexuality as “normal” that will be the end of it.


Fight Crime, Shoot Back (Better Yet, Shoot First)

I know this will never happen in our politically correct (i.e. cowardly) society, but what if crime-ridden cities and counties offered a bounty for any convicted criminal killed or captured DURING THE COMMISION OF A CRIME.

In other words, if a homeowner shoots a criminal during a burglary or home invasion or if a business owner or one of his employees shoots a criminal while they are attempting a robbery, either the city or county would pay the individual a few thousand dollars. I think if the convicted thug is killed, the individual should be paid roughly ten percent of what it would have cost to run the thug through the legal system.

Along with offering a bounty for the thugs, either law enforcement or better yet, private instructors could provide firearms training for law-abiding business owners and other private citizens (After a background check).

There are several obvious speed bumps to this plan. One: the thug (if the defending person’s shooting ability isn’t what it should be) or his relatives may try to sue the defender, and Two: pro-crime and/or other “peace” groups will try to stop the program

There are two ways to deal these fools. The city or county (or better yet, private citizens) could host a website where the home and work address of the person(s) suing the defenders are listed. The law-abiding public could contact the people supporting the criminal and tell them why they are fed up with the mindless thugs who are practically running their city.

Left-wing pro-crime organizations could be countered by forming organizations of honest citizens and crime victims who could speak and protest in opposition to them.

Granted, as I wrote in the beginning, this will never happen. Obviously my plan wouldn’t completely stop violent crime, but it would make living in a crime-ridden city as dangerous for the criminals as it is for the good people.


Monday, November 03, 2008

Vote Yes on Propositions 4 and 8: It's Only Common Sense

There may be a few grey issues on the California ballot. Proposition 4 and Proposition 8 are two that definitely are not.

Proposition 4, would require parental notification before an UNDERAGE female can murder her unborn child. To any somewhat, moral thinking person, that would be a no-brainer, but of course we are talking about liberals, who generally have no actual moral issues and basically have a “if it feels good, do it and if you screw up, the government will bail you out” mentality .

The pro-infanticide crowd claims that abused girls would have a problem going to their parents if the abuser is a family member. Of course, that’s probably the lamest argument against the proposition they could come up with.

Were the abuser a father or stepfather, he would be more prone to rush the victimized girl to an abortion mill.

A “no” vote on Prop. 4 would be sort of an old pervert’s protection act. An adult pervert who knocks up a 15-year-old would be able to take her for an abortion with no questions asked.

Surely, a Planned Parenthood (infanticide) abortion clinic would ask no questions, nor would they report it to the police.

The real problem the Left and especially Planned (infanticide) Parenthood has with Prop. 4 are they fear that somewhere, someplace a young girl will actually keep her baby. After all, Planned Parenthood (Infanticide) really makes a killing out of doing abortions and if Prop. 4 passed, it would cut into their profits, and undermine their social agenda. Also, I think abortion is a form of pagan sacrifice for some of those on the Left.

Proposition 8 is even more of a no-brainer, again, unless you’re a liberal. Prop. 8 would define marriage in the California Constitution as between one Man and one FEMALE. Duh. A basic knowledge of anatomy will tell any thinking person that homosexuality and therefore, allowing them to “marry” is unnatural. Sodomites can already have domestic “partnerships”. Homosexuals know what they do is unnatural. They want to “marry” so that they can convince themselves that what they engage in is normal.

Proposition 8 is not “discrimination. If I read the proposition correctly, I didn’t see anyplace where it called for separate water facets and restrooms for homosexuals and normal people (though given some of the diseases many of them are prone to get, that may not be a bad idea), nor did I read anywhere in the proposition where homosexuals were to be denied the right to vote or own property.

A yes vote on Proposition 8 is just common sense.



McCain Bad, B. Hussein Obama Worse (but just barely)

I don't have the words to describe how much I hate Mccain. He's arguably, one of the 5 biggest RINO's (Republican In Name Only) in the Republican Party. I've talked to some of the most Anti-American, Anti-Christian, degenerate liberal pukes, and they like McCain, and why shouldn't they? He's one of them. The idiot even said he would have Al Gore on his staff to deal with the (mythical) issue of “global warming” and he supports amnesty for illegal aliens.

However, not only do I hate B.O., I fear what he will do to This Country. I was seriously considering voting for Chuck Baldwin, the Constitution Party candidate, but after seeing B.O. is worshiped by the mindless masses on the Left, I'm considering voting for McCain.

I know I'll regret it if he gets into office. Should he get in, he'll do what he always does, run across the aisle to work with the enemy. Yes, Democrats in general and Liberals in particular, ARE THE ENEMY. To save This Country, we (True Republicans and other Conservatives) should not be working or compromising with the left. We need to defeat them.

That won’t happen with a RINO, sellout like McCain, but for the time being it’s all we have.

Personally, I’d prefer we split up the Country between the Right and the Wrong (left).

